Friday 11 September 2015

Gluten Free Altar Breads

This is an appeal to church suppliers, especially of communion breads. Gluten free wafers are vile. They have a consistency of plastic and dissolve in the mouth with as much ease. I feel for those who need them and my heart sinks when I find I have to consume any left over at the end of the Eucharist. We need a palatable alternative.

I was pointed towards one available online from the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in the USA, but the cost of import and practicality of that makes this not very viable. The ingredients listed on the pack are 'wheat starch and water', less than 0.01% gluten content. They dissolve in the mouth and are palatable.

My appeal is to church suppliers to come up with something like this, not the plastic squares we endure at the moment. More people are asking for gluten free now so there is a gap in the market and clearly it can be done.

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